2024 Convention Agenda

March 16, 2024
1. 8:30 am Registration Opens
2. 8:30 am: Opportunity for all Candidates to meet with Nominations Committee
3. 9:30 am: Call to Order & Welcome
4. Presentation of Colors & Pledge of Allegiance
5. Invocation
6. Parliamentary Procedures
a. Reading of the Convention Call
b. Election of Chair of the Convention
c. Election of Secretary of the Convention
d. Appointment of Convention Officials
e. Recognition of Convention Committees
f. Preliminary Credentials Report
g. Adoption of Agenda and Rules
7. Treasurer’s Report*
8. SD55 Chair’s Report*
9. Nominating Committee Report
10. Final Credentials Report
11. Election of Senate District 55 Officer
12. Recognition of Senate Districts 55 Executive Committees
13. Election of delegates and alternates to Second Congressional District & State Conventions
14. Resolutions Committee Report
15. Endorsements for State Representative, House Districts 55A and 55B
16. Other Business

Convention Chair will invite guest speakers to address the convention, as they are available.
Registration to close at 10:30
*The Agenda order for Officer Reports is flexible and these reports are to be given at an efficient time as determined by the Convention Chair